Private Events
Interested in sponsoring a public Arbor event to promote your company and attract quantitatively-minded talent? Check out corporate sponsorships !
Many of our bootcamps are public-facing, but we also run private bootcamps just for your company/team/whatever. We'll work with you to tailor the content, length, and intensity of the event for your particular situation.
"Listening to Ricki talk makes me feel like my brain is kicking into higher gear, she has an incredible effect on the audience."
— Chris
The way Ricki teaches the trading bootcamp is extremely engaging and information dense on material you won't find outside of big trading firms. It is a phenomenal experience that you will not find elsewhere.
— Niko
Ricki is the best teacher I have ever had. I would immediately sign up to anything Ricki is teaching, even if it was teaching Paint Drying Bootcamp
— Theo
Since each private bootcamp is fairly unique/custom, we don't have one set price; we usually charge somewhere in the range of $100k-$300k, depending on the details.
To talk through those details, schedule a call with Ricki, or email her at .